In general, you should cite an electronic source within your paper in the same way as you would a print source, by placing the author’s last name (or short title of the source, if there is no author) and year of publication in parentheses.
Source with a DOI
If a publication includes a digital object identifier (DOI), a permanent identifier for an electronic publication, use that instead of a URL:
Gaudio, J. L., & Snowdon, C. T. (2008). Spatial cues more salient than color cues in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) reversal learning. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 122, 441-444. doi: 10.1037/0735-7036.122.4.441
First author last name, First initial. Middle initial., & Second author last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Article title. Journal name, Volume number, Pages. doi: number
Source without a DOI
If you retrieved a journal or newspaper article online but it does not have a DOI use “Retrieved from http:// . . . ,” using the URL for the journal or newspaper’s home page:
Barringer, F. (2009, Sept. 14). Hawaii tries green tools in remaking power grid. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Author last name, First initial. (Year, Abbreviated month. Day of publication). Article title. Newspaper name. Retrieved from URL
Park, A. (2009, Sept. 14). A shot at cancer. Time 174(10), 32-39. Retrieved from
Author last name, First initial. (Year, Abbreviated month. Day of publication). Article title. Magazine name Volume number(Issue number), Pages. Retrieved from URL
Journal article with page numbers
If you’re referencing an electronic version of a journal article that appears in print and has page numbers (in a PDF, for example)use page numbers; no URL:
Alibali, M. W., Phillips, K. M. O., & Fischer, A. D. (2009). Learning new problem-solving strategies leads to changes in problem representation. Cognitive Development, 24, 89-101. doi:10.1016
First author last name, First initial. Middle initial., Second author last name, First initial. Middle initial. Middle initial, & Third author last name, First initial. Middle initial.. (Year of publication). Article title. Journal name, Volume number, Pages. doi: number
Sources retrieved from online databases
If you found a source through an online database do not list the database (such as PsycARTICLES, ScienceDirect, EBSCO, LexisNexis, ProQuest) you used to find an article; use “Retrieved from http:// . . .” using the URL for the magazine, journal, or newspaper’s home page:
Alibali, M. W., Phillips, K. M. O., & Fischer, A. D. (2009). Learning new problem-solving strategies leads to changes in problem representation. Cognitive Development, 24, 89-101. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2008.12.005
First author last name, First initial. Middle initial., Second author last name, First initial. Middle initial. Middle initial, & Third author last name, First initial. Middle initial.. (Year of publication). Article title. Journal name, Volume number, Pages. doi: number/URL
Park, A. (2009, Sept. 14). A shot at cancer. Time 174(10), 32-39. Retrieved from
Author last name, First initial. (Year, Abbreviated month. Day of publication). Article title. Magazine name Volume number(Issue number), Pages. Retrieved from URL
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