Updated December 2020.
We hope that you will find this bibliography about research on peer writing tutor alumni and research on tutor learning helpful for your reading and research. Although we have tried to be comprehensive, we are certain we have missed many relevant publications. If you have suggestions for additions, please share your suggestions with Brad Hughes, who is the Director Emeritus of the Writing Center and Director Emeritus of Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (bthughes@wisc.edu). Brad will always be delighted to receive your suggestions and to improve this bibliography. Thanks very much!
Publications about Tutor Alumni Research from the PWTARP Team
Gillespie, Paula, Bradley Hughes, and Harvey Kail. “Nothing Marginal about This Writing Center Experience: Using Research about Peer Tutor Alumni to Educate Others.” Marginal Words, Marginal Work: Tutoring the Academy in the Work of Writing Centers, edited by William J. Macauley, Jr., and Nicholas Mauriello, Hampton P, 2007, pp. 35-52.
Hughes, Bradley, Paula Gillespie, and Harvey Kail. “What They Take with Them: Findings from the Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project.” The Writing Center Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, Fall 2010, pp. 12-46, www.jstor.org/stable/43442343.
—. “Was Sie Mitnehmen: Das ‘Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Project.'” Schreiben: Grundlagentexte zur Theorie, Didaktik und Beratung, edited by Stephanie Dreyfürst and Nadja Sennewald, translated by Anja Roueche and Nadja Sennewald, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2014. Originally published in The Writing Center Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, Fall 2010, pp. 12-46.
—. “What They Take with Them: Findings from the Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project.” Landmark Essays in Contemporary Writing Center Studies, edited by Neal Lerner and Paula Gillespie, Routledge, 2021. Originally published in The Writing Center Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, Fall 2010, pp. 12-46.
Kail, Harvey, Paula Gillespie, and Bradley Hughes. “The Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project: An Invitation to Research.” Writing at the Center: Proceedings of the 2004 Thomas R. Watson Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, 7-9 October 2004, edited by Jo Ann Griffin, Carol Mattingly, and Michele Eodice, IWCA P, 2007, pp. 291-312, CD-ROM.
—. The Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project, 2006-2020, writing.wisc.edu/peer-writing-tutor-alumni-research-project/.
Publications about Tutor Alumni Research and Tutor Learning
Almasy, Rudolph, and David England. “Future Teachers as Real Teachers: English Education Students in the Writing Laboratory.” English Education, vol. 10, no. 3, 1979, pp. 155-62.
Alsup, Janet, Tammy Conard-Salvo, and Scott J. Peters. “Tutoring Is Real: The Benefits of the Peer Tutor Experience for Future English Educators.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, vol. 8, no. 2, Spring 2008, pp. 327-347, doi.org/10.1215/15312200-2007-043.
Anderson, James E., Ellen M. Bommarito, and Laura Seijaas. “Writing Center Tutors Speak Out: An Argument for Peer Tutoring as Teacher Training.” Improving Writing Skills, edited by Thomas Hawkins and Phyllis Brooks, New Directions for College Learning Assistance, no. 3, Jossey-Bass, 1981, pp. 35-37.
Annis, Linda F. “The Processes and Effects of Peer Tutoring.” Human Learning: Journal of Practical Research and Applications, vol. 2, no. 1, 1983, pp. 39-47.
Bastian, Heather, and Lindsey Harkness. “When Peer Tutors Write about Writing: Literacy Narratives and Self Reflection.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 1, 2003, pp. 101-24.
Bell, Elizabeth. “The Peer Tutor as Principal Benefactor in the Writing Center, Or It’s Not Just for English Teaching Any More.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 9, no. 9, 1985, pp. 10-13, wlnjournal.org/archives/v9/9-9.pdf.
Bergmann, Linda. “Writing Centers and Cross-Curricular Literacy Programs as Models for Faculty Development.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, vol. 8, no. 3, 2008, pp. 523-36.
Boquet, Elizabeth H. ”’Our Little Secret’: A History of Writing Centers, Pre- to Post-Open Admissions.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 50, no. 3, 1999, pp. 463-82.
Broder, Peggy F. “Writing Centers and Teacher Training.” WPA: Writing Program Administration, vol. 13, no. 3, Spring 1990, pp. 37-45.
Brown, Teri. “It Pays to Be an RA.” It’s All Rhetoric, edited by Joyce Kinkead, Utah State UP, 1999, pp. 6-7.
Bruffee, Kenneth. A Short Course in Writing. 4th ed., Harper Collins, 1993.
Bruffee, Kenneth A. “The Brooklyn Plan: Attaining Intellectual Growth through Peer-Group Tutoring.” Liberal Education, vol. 64, 1978, pp. 447-68.
—. “What Being a Writing Peer Tutor Can Do for You.” The Writing Center Journal, vol. 28, no. 2, 2008, pp. 5-10.
Carleton College Writing Center. “What Our Writing Consultant Alumni Are Doing Now.” The Writing Center, 2020, www.carleton.edu/writing-center/writing-consultant/alumni/.
Clark, Irene Lukis. “Preparing Future Composition Teachers in the Writing Center.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 38, no. 3, 1988, pp. 347-50.
Collins, James L. “Training Teachers of Basic Writing in the Writing Laboratory.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 33, 1982, pp. 426-33.
Cox, Earnest. “Coming Home: A Writing Center Staffer’s Personal and Professional Journey.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 29, no. 4, 2004, pp. 1-4, wlnjournal.org/archives/v29/29.4.pdf.
Denton, Thomas. “Peer Tutors’ Evaluations of the Tutor Training Course and the Tutoring Experience: A Questionnaire.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 18, no. 3, 1993, pp. 14-16, wlnjournal.org/archives/v18/18-3.pdf.
Dinitz, Sue, and Jean Kiedaisch. “Tutoring Writing as Career Development.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 34, no. 3, 2009, pp. 1-5, wlnjournal.org/archives/v34/34.3.pdf.
Douglas, Michele. “Justification for Writing Centers and Tutor Training.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 27, no. 5, 2003, pp. 14-15, wlnjournal.org/archives/v27/27.5.pdf.
Driscoll, Dana Lynn. “Building Connections and Transferring Knowledge: The Benefits of a Peer Tutoring Course Beyond the Writing Center.” The Writing Center Journal, vol. 35, no. 1, Fall/Winter 2015, pp. 153-181, https://www.jstor.org/stable/43673622.
Driscoll, Dana Lynn, and Devit, Bonnie. “Writing Centers as a Space for Transfer: Supporting Writing, Writers, and Context.” Transfer of Learning in the Writing Center: A WLN Digital Edited Collection, edited by Dana Lynn Driscoll and Bonnie Devit, 2020, wlnjournal.org/digitaleditedcollection2/DriscollandDevet.html.
Elchinoff, Alexandra, and Caroline Kowalski. “The Tutors Speak: Current and Former Tutors’ Reflections.” The Successful High School Writing Center, edited by Dawn Fels and Jennifer Wells, Teachers College P, 2011, pp. 62-78.
Fallon, Brian. “Why My Best Teachers Are Peer Tutors.” The Oxford Guide for Writing Tutors: Practice and Research, edited by Lauren Fitzgerald and Melissa Ianetta, Oxford UP, 2016, pp. 356-364.
Fallon, Brian J. The Perceived, Conceived, and Lived Experiences of 21st Century Peer Writing Tutors. 2006. Indiana U of Pennsylvania, PhD Dissertation.
Franklin, John T. Ikeda, David Ferlo, Kate Mayo, and Christy Wood. “English Education Within and Beyond the Writing Center.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 24, no. 8, 2000, pp. 10-13, wlnjournal.org/archives/v24/24.8.pdf.
Gardner, Clint. “Our Students Can Do That: Peer Writers at the Two Year College.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, 2017, www.praxisuwc.com/gardner-151.
Gerald, Amy S. “Back to the Center: A Former Tutor Reflects.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 33, no. 8, 2009, pp. 11-13, 10, wlnjournal.org/archives/v33/33.8.pdf.
Gillam, Alice. “Collaborative Learning Theory and Peer Tutoring Practice.” Intersections: Theory-Practice in the Writing Center, edited by Joan A. Mullin and Ray Wallace, NCTE, 1994, pp. 39-52.
Gillespie, Paula, Bradley Hughes, and Harvey Kail. “Nothing Marginal about This Writing Center Experience: Using Research about Peer Tutor Alumni to Educate Others.” Marginal Words, Marginal Work: Tutoring the Academy in the Work of Writing Centers, edited by William J. Macauley, Jr., and Nicholas Mauriello, Hampton P, 2007, pp. 35-52.
Gillespie, Paula, and Neal Lerner. The Longman Guide to Peer Tutoring. 2nd ed., Longman, 2008.
Goldsmith, Carla, et al. “Writers, Coaches, Leaders: How Being a Middle School Writing Tutor Impacted Our High School Experiences.” The Peer Review, vol. 1, no. 1, Spring 2017, thepeerreview-iwca.org/issues/issue-1/writers-coaches-leaders-how-being-a-middle-school-writing-tutor-impacted-our-high-school-experiences/.
Gradbow, Kate. “Teachers as Writing Center Tutors: Release from the Red Pen.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 14, no. 4, 1989, pp. 13-15, wlnjournal.org/archives/v14/14-4.pdf.
Grouling, Jennifer, and Elisabeth H. Buck. “Colleagues, Classmates, and Friends: Graduate Versus Undergraduate Tutor Identities and Professionalization.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, 2017, www.praxisuwc.com/grouling-and-buck-142.
Hammerbacher, Maggie, Jodi Phillips, and Shannon Tucker. “The Road Less Traveled: English Education Majors Applying Practice and Pedagogy.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 30, no. 8, 2006, pp. 14-16, 9, wlnjournal.org/archives/v30/30.8.pdf.
Harris, Muriel. “Peer Tutoring: How Tutors Learn.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College, vol. 15, no. 1, 1988, pp. 28-33.
—. “’What Would You Like to Work on Today?’ The Writing Center as a Site for Teacher Training.” Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Programs, Practices, edited by Betty P. Pytlik and Sarah Liggett, Oxford UP, 2002, pp. 194-207.
Hughes, Bradley, Paula Gillespie, and Harvey Kail. “What They Take with Them: Findings from the Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project.” The Writing Center Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, 2010, pp. 12-46, www.jstor.org/stable/43442343.
—. “Was Sie Mitnehmen: Das ‘Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Project.'” Schreiben: Grundlagentexte zur Theorie, Didaktik und Beratung, edited by Stephanie Dreyfürst and Nadja Sennewald, translated by Anja Roueche and Nadja Sennewald, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2014. Originally published in The Writing Center Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, Fall 2010, pp. 12-46.
—. “What They Take with Them: Findings from the Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project.” Landmark Essays in Contemporary Writing Center Studies, edited by Neal Lerner and Paula Gillespie, Routledge, 2021. Originally published in The Writing Center Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, Fall 2010, pp. 12-46.
Isaacs, Emily, and Ellen Kolba. “Mutual Benefits: Pre-Service Teachers and Public School Students in the Writing Center.” The Writing Center Journal, vol. 29, no. 2, 2009, pp. 52-74.
Jacoby, Jay, and Stan Patten. “Changing the Way We Teach: The Role of the Writing Center in Professional Development; Or, the Virtue of Selfishness.” The Writing Center: New Directions, edited by Ray Wallace and Jeanne Simpson, Garland, 1991, pp. 157-68.
Jeter, Andrew L. High School Peer Tutor Alumni Research Project. 2016. Indiana U of Pennsylvania, PhD Dissertation.
Johnson-Shull, Lisa. “Tutor’s Column: Teaching Assistants Learn Teaching Tips by Tutoring.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 18, no. 9, 1993, p. 13, wlnjournal.org/archives/v18/18-9.pdf .
Kail, Harvey, Paula Gillespie, and Bradley Hughes. “The Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project: An Invitation to Research.” Writing at the Center: Proceedings of the 2004 Thomas R. Watson Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, 7-9 October 2004, edited by Jo Ann Griffin, Carol Mattingly, and Michele Eodice, IWCA P, 2007, pp. 291-312, CD-ROM.
—. The Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project, 2006-2020, writing.wisc.edu/peer-writing-tutor-alumni-research-project/.
Kedia, Soma. “Everything I Needed to Know about Life I Learned at the Writing Center.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 31, no. 7, 2007, pp. 13-15, wlnjournal.org/archives/v31/31.7.pdf.
Kent, Richard. A Guide to Creating Student-Staffed Writing Centers, Grades 6-12. Revised ed., Peter Lang, 2017.
Lerner, Neal. “Writing Center Assessment: Searching for the Proof of Our Effectiveness.” The Center Will Hold: Critical Perspectives on Writing Center Scholarship, edited by Michael A. Pemberton and Joyce Kinkead, Utah State UP, 2003, pp. 58-73.
Lewanika, Thokozile, and Arlene Archer. “Communities of Practice.” Changing Spaces: Writing Centres and Access to Higher Education, edited by Arlene Archer and Rose Richards, SUNPReSS [Stellenbosch, South Africa], 2011, pp. 147-158.
Macklin, N., C. K. Marshall, and Joe Law. “Expanding Writing Center Assessment: Including Tutor Learning.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 27, no. 1, 2002, pp. 12-15, wlnjournal.org/archives/v27/27.1.pdf.
McGlaun, Sandee K. “Life after Tutoring.” Southern Discourse, vol. 6, no. 2, 2003, pp. 4-5, southeasternwritingcenter.wildapricot.org/SDC-Archives.
Moneyhun, Clyde, and Patti Hanlon-Baker. “Tutoring Teachers.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 36, no. 9-10, 2012, pp. 1-5, wlnjournal.org/archives/v36/36.9-10.pdf.
Monroe, Meghan. “Reflection: How the Writing Center Rekindled My Passion and Purpose to Teach.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 31, no. 6, 2007, pp. 14-15, wlnjournal.org/archives/v31/31.6.pdf.
Murphy, Pamela C. “Understanding Human Nature Through Tutoring.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 21, no. 2, 1996, pp. 15-16, wlnjournal.org/archives/v21/21-2.pdf.
Naydan, Liliana M. “Toward a Rhetoric of Labor Activism in College and University Writing Centers.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, 2017, www.praxisuwc.com/naydan-142.
Neulieb, Janice. “Training Potential English Teachers in the Writing Center.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 2, 1978, pp. 2-3, wlnjournal.org/archives/v3/3-2.pdf.
Purdy, James P. “Taking It with You: Personal Reflections on Life ‘After’ the Writing Center.” The Dangling Modifier, vol. 10, no. 1, Fall 2003, sites.psu.edu/thedanglingmodifier/wp-content/uploads/sites/1569/2015/10/Purdy_Taking_V10N1F03.pdf.
Reglin, Jill. “Creative Staffing for the Community College Writing Center in an Era of Outsourced Education.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, 2017, www.praxisuwc.com/reglin-151.
Roscoe, Rod D., and Michelene T. H. Chi. “Understanding Tutor Learning: Knowledge-Building and Knowledge-Telling in Peer Tutors’ Explanations and Questions.” Review of Educational Research, vol. 77, 2007, pp. 534-574.
Rottenberg, Annette T. “Learning to Teach by Tutoring.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 12, no. 10, 1988, pp. 11-12, wlnjournal.org/archives/v12/12-10.pdf.
Schendel, Ellen, and William J. Macauley, Jr. Building Writing Center Assessments That Matter. Utah State UP, 2012.
Silver, Naomi, Carrie Luke, Lindsey Nieman, and Nicole Primo. “From Peer Tutors to Writing Center Colleagues.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, 2009, repositories.lib.utexas.edu/handle/2152/62286.
Stukenberg, Jill. “Tutors’ Column: Never Say ‘No.’” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 25, no. 10, 2001, pp. 8-9, wlnjournal.org/archives/v25/25.10.pdf.
Transylvania University Writing Center. “TU [Transylvania University] Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project: Writing Center Alums Reflect on Their Experiences.” The Writing Center, 2019, www.transywritingcenter.com/copy-of-alumni-research.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Writing Center. “Alumni Tutor Videos.” The Writing Center, 2015, uwm.edu/writing-center/staff/alumni-tutor-videos/.
Vanderbilt University Writing Studio. “Former Consultants Reflect on Their Experience.” Writing Studio, 2013, www.vanderbilt.edu/writing/about/get-inspired/former-consultants-reflect-on-their-experience/.
Welsch, Kathleen. “Shaping Careers in the Writing Center.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 32, no. 8, 2008, pp. 1-8, wlnjournal.org/archives/v32/32.8.pdf.
Whalen, Lisa. “Putting Your Writing Center Experience to Work.” The Writing Lab Newsletter, vol. 29, no. 9, 2005, pp. 9-10, wlnjournal.org/archives/v29/29.9.pdf.
Wilson, Susan. “The Role Becomes Them: Examining Communication Center Alumni Experiences.” Communication Centers and Oral Communication Programs in Higher Education: Advantages, Challenges, and New Directions, edited by Eunkyong L. Yook and Wendy Atkins-Sayre, Lexington Books, 2012, pp. 55-67.
Wingate, Molly. “Writing Centers as Sites of Academic Culture.” The Writing Center Journal, vol. 21, no. 2, 2001, pp. 7-20.
Zelnak, Bonnie, Irv Cockriel, Eric Crump, and Elaine Hocks. “Ideas in Practice: Preparing Composition Teachers in the Writing Center.” Journal of Developmental Education, vol. 17, no. 1, 1993, pp. 28-34.